

加拿大留学云-院校问题-2015年10月21日 22:33

加拿大多伦多大学始建于1827年,是加拿大规模最大的综合性公立大学。该大学有3个校区,300类大学本科专业,32座图书馆。世界最重要的研究性大学之一。大学由圣乔治校区(主校区) 士嘉堡校区.密西沙加校区组成。大学座落于世界上最适合人类居住的城市--多伦多。滨临北美五大湖之一的安大湖是北美最安全和最干净的城市之一。人口约450万,是加拿大最大的城市。

  加拿大多伦多大学始建于1827年,是加拿大规模最大的综合性公立大学。该大学有3个校区,300类大学本科专业,32座图书馆。世界最重要的研究性大学之一。大学由圣乔治校区(主校区) 士嘉堡校区.密西沙加校区组成。大学座落于世界上最适合人类居住的城市--多伦多。滨临北美五大湖之一的安大湖是北美最安全和最干净的城市之一。人口约450万,是加拿大最大的城市。

  多伦多大学是是北美大陆最古老的大学之一,其师资力量雄厚,研究一直是多伦多大学发展的重点,学校拥有13亿的捐款资金,正努力成为全球十大最著名的公共研究大学之一。大学的专业从航天技术到动物园学无所不包,而且样样堪称一流。荣获诺贝尔奖的教授人数也是加拿大最多的。在校学生7万余名,国际学生人数近8千, 所占比例为9%。师资超过1万人。大学设本科学士学位300个,硕士学位148个,博士研究生学位95个。其中以统计学,经济贸易,商科,生物,财会,计算机科学,建筑学,工程学,心理学,法学,教育学,医学等尤为杰出。

Students who have applied for admission will be considered for admission scholarships on the basis of academic achievement. Each year, the University of Toronto offers approximately 1,900 scholarships totaling $2,500,000. Of these, 350 are admission scholarships given by the University to students entering any college/faculty; the remaining are awarded by particular colleges/faculties. Scholarship offers are mailed out at the same time as the offers of admission.

The University of Toronto Scholars Program

The University of Toronto Scholars Program provides recognition to the University's outstanding students, at admission and on an on-going basis. There are 350 admission awards which have a value of $5,000 and may be held in conjunction with any admission award that students may receive from their college/faculty. Outstanding students are considered automatically for these awards.

Payment of the award is conditional on full-time registration at the University in the fall of the year the award is granted.

Additional Scholarship Information

For information on the in-course component of this program please refer to our in-course scholarships page.

President's Entrance Scholarship Program

All applicants who meet the following criteria will receive admission scholarship(s) from the University, its faculties or colleges totaling at least $2,000 provided that they enroll in first year at U of T in the fall. No application is required.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents;
  • studying at a secondary school or Year 1of CEGEP in Canada;
  • have completed each of the courses required for admissions, including prerequisites, with 'A' standing; and
  • admission average is 92% or better.

Payment of the award is conditional on full-time registration at the University in the fall of the year the award is granted.


  • 资深留学专家一对一申请

