

Queen's University


加拿大留学云-院校关键词-2014年07月13日 16:06

皇后大学|Queen‘s University 国际学生奖学金

  皇后大学|Queen‘s University 国际学生奖学金


  A limited number of Entrance Scholarships, valued at $9,000 CDN, are offered to international students (including American students) entering the first year of any undergraduate program at Queen’s. Awarded on the basis of superior academic ability, these scholarships do not require separate application.

  Approximately 6% of our upper-year international undergraduate students receive a Queen‘s Upper-Year Scholarship with the average value being approximately $2,000 for the next academic year.

  (2)Queen’s General Bursaries

  After registering at Queen‘s all students with a demonstrated financial need, including those in first year, can apply for general bursary assistance. Bursaries are non-repayable grants available to students in all years of study who have a demonstrated financial need.  This is based on, but not restricted to, the following factors: family income, number of dependants in the family, applicant’s assets - including savings, the full cost of the program of studies, books and supplies and basic living expenses.

  Approximately 23% of our undergraduate international students receive a bursary each year, with the average disbursement being approximately $2,500 (CDN) for the academic year (September-April).

  (3)Queen‘s Work Programs

  (a) Queen’s Work Study Program is designed to assist students, who can demonstrate financial need, find a part-time job on campus.

  (b) The Summer Work Experience Program provides undergraduate students at Queen‘s with an opportunity to work at career-related jobs during the summer.

  Queen’s has increased the maximum Work Study entitlements available to international students

  Fall/Winter:  from $2000 to $3000

  Spring/Summer: from $1000 to $1500

  Spring only or Summer only: from $500 to $750

  (4)Other Financial Assistance Options FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS

  Check the Canadian Bureaus for International Education  web site for information on the availability of awards for international students studying in Canada.

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院校地址:Queen's University Gordon Hall 74 Union Street Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6


学校简介:皇后大学(Queen's University)是加拿大历史最久、最有名的大学之一。在众多加拿大本地人的眼中,皇后大学其实是加拿大最适合本科生就读的大学。…更多

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