- Online Learning Information Technology Service Fee
- Most students studying online courses are subject to a mandatory IT service fee of $50. This will be included in the course fees. Students pay this fee for each online course in which they register.
- Financial Assistance
- Clients receiving financial assistance through Financial Aid must have made the necessary arrangements before registering for a course.
- Information Technology Fee
Continuing Education Courses (part-time)
- Students pay $35 per term when registered in courses subject to the IT protocol.
- Students registered in more than one course pay the IT Fee only once per term.
- Eligible students will be provided with a network account, e-mail address, Internet access and two megabytes (2MB) of disk storage space.
- Students in courses that are not IT applicable can pay $35 per term to obtain access.
Online Learning Courses (part-time)- Online Learning students registered on a course-by-course basis pay an IT fee of $50.00 per course.
- The IT fee includes access to the Online Learning Student ePortal.
Online Learning Programs (full-time)- Online Learning students registered into a full-time online program pay the IT fee as part of the program fee.
- The IT fee includes access to the Online Learning Student ePortal.
Note: IT accounts are deleted at the end of each term.
- International Students
- Students permitted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to attend classes on a part-time basis may be assessed, in addition to other applicable fees, a premium of $16.46 per course hour, depending on Visa status.
Health insurance is included in the fees for international students registered in full-time programs only. All other international students are strongly advised to obtain health insurance for the duration of their stay in Canada. Students are to self-identify and will be assessed international fees.
- Online Learning and Internet Courses:
Part-time off-shore International students registering into an online or print-based course may be assessed a premium of $400 per course in addition to other applicable fees. This is distinct from the additional amount charged for postage.
- Material Fees
- The cost of materials and/or supplies retained by the students is included in the course fee (where applicable). Full-time and part-time program students who take a course with the Centre for Continuing and Online Learning as part of their course load are responsible for applicable material fees. These fees are not eligible for Income Tax credit.
- Refund Policy
- Please refer to the Refund Policy for information on refunds. The Refund Policy is printed on the reverse side of your timetable.
- Service Fee
Your course fee will include a service fee of $1.25 per course hour to cover the cost of providing additional services to Centre for Continuing and Online Learning students. - Sponsorship
If your course fees are being paid by a sponsoring agency, your employer or a government department, you must present an official letter of authorization from the sponsor to the Registrar’s Office at the time of registration. - Company information required:
- Organization name
- Full mailing address
- Telephone number
- email address
- Contact person
- Authorization signature
- Course name, course number, section number or start date
- Organization name
Information regarding student must include:
- Student’s name
- Full home address
- Home and alternate telephone number
- email address
- Student’s date of birth
- Algonquin College student ID number (if available)
- Attended or applied to Algonquin College previously? If yes, provide previous address and surname if different from name entered above
The invoice will be sent to the sponsor. Students are responsible for any fees not covered by the sponsor. A timetable will be issued to the students once registration has been processed. - Student’s name
- Student Centre Building Fee
A Student Centre Building Fee of $0.05 per course hour is assessed on all Centre for Continuing and Online Learning courses. Inquiries are to be directed to the Students' Association, at 613-727-4723, ext. 7711.
In early February, official tuition tax receipts (T2202A) are made available in ACSIS for qualifying programs and courses taken during the preceding calendar year. It is not necessary to include a T2202A with your income tax claim; it is only required to validate a claim if you are audited. The T2202A is issued in the student’s name. If a student is sponsored, the college issues a T2202A to the student and the sponsor will issue a T4A for the amount paid on the student’s behalf. The student must claim the sponsored amount as income and can claim the tuition credit or allocate it to a parent/guardian if applicable.