2011-2012 Fee Information
Tuition Fees (subject to change)
Arts and Education Tuition Fees - Regular Students
per 6 credit hours - 617.46
per 3 credit hours - 308.73
Science Tuition Fees - Regular Students
per 6 credit hours - 711.36
per 3 credit hours - 355.68
Arts and Education Tuition Fees - International Students
per 6 credit hours - 2,223.92
per 3 credit hours - 1,111.71
Science Tuition Fees - International Students
per 6 credit hours - 2,563.92
per 3 credit hours - 1,281.96
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable)
6 credit hours - 26.40
3 credit hours - 13.20
Ancillary Student Fee
6 credit hours - 26.40
3 credit hours - 13.20
Facilities Fee .......... 106.05
Wellness Centre Fee (effective April 1, 2012 - per term) 30.00
Lab Fees (on applicable courses)
6 credit hours......... 31.80
3 credit hours......... 15.90
Theatre Levy (on applicable courses)
6 credit hours......... 10.56
3 credit hours......... 5.28
Co-op Work Term Fee......... 355.70
Practicum Fee in Education
Second Year Practicum Fee - 53.00
Third Year Practicum Fee - 79.55
Fourth Year Practicum Block Fee - 265.10
Fifth Year Practicum Block Fee - 265.10
*Students in fourth year and fifth year are charged a practicum fee of $132.55 per block.
*Students taking two blocks will be charged $265.10
Menno Simons Student Service Fee (Menno Simons Courses Only)
6 credit hours......... 32.94
3 credit hours......... 16.47